Chapter 3 out! and other stuff changes!


Battle-related changes

  • Various balances to Zerua and Breoned’s stats growth.
  • Added Skilltrees for the main characters and the characters they interacted with. It is a unique skilltree for the main characters and (hopefully) for all the recruitable characters in the future. Not all of them are active though. I had plans for them, and I'm sure current characters skills are enough to progress in the game right now. So, all of them will be upgradable later.
  • Modified the skill formula so it’s more balanced with the new stats and the stats in the future.
  • The damage formula also helps with balancing the enemy stats.
  • Equipment stats are also rebalanced.
  • TP has been removed.
  • Skills that use TP previously has been changed to either HP and MP or both depending on the skills.
  •  Main way of getting EXP has been changed to a form of items. There are a few items that represents the growth stage of an apple that enemies drop. These items will help the characters grow up by giving them EXP. How? By absorbing them, eating them, munching on them? I will leave that to your imagination.
  • There are a few new enemies that will get in the player's way. Or like a checkpoint to prevent underleveled player.
  • States are now also more balanced. Most states now persist for 3 to 6 turns
  • Also, if you hover your mouse to states, most of the icons will show what it does. But for some reason it lags, at least after I test it on my PC. I'll look into it and will try to fix it.

Narrative-related changes

The big thing from the narrative is the 3rd main character, Youtre. He's a civil worker basically at the Diamond Kingdom. He carries a heavy responsibility and very important too. He starts at high level, because he is that experienced in his field. He used to travel around, and you might have already seen him in the 2nd chapter. The 3rd chapter involves him and how he finally came to Azraya Kingdom.

  • There is optional quest in Zerua's chapter to help moving him forward. It helps, but not that much (you're not suddenly OP with this, obviously)
  • Various quest related text changes and typos.
  • More hints to progress, so it's not that much of a head-scratcher to progress through the story normally.
  • Money is now referred to as Ribu or abbreviated as Rb.
  • Added chapter 3!

Visual-related changes

  • Character pictures, HP and MP now visible on the right side of the screen. It looks cool but can still be improved.
  • Changed the look of menu. Now looks like vanilla, but a few changes here and there. Minor, but still have to be mentioned.
  • Custom cursor for the game. I'm planning on something with that. You can click stuff in the game instead of the interact button. Doesn't make sense right? Well, leave it be for now, if it didn't work out, I'll remove that.
  • Future Rambling

Next one is chapter 4! It has been a very long development for chapter 3. Troubles irl is the main problem. It's been extremely messy, but I found time here and there to continue the development. Irl talks aside, the main characters are finally in Azraya!! The mainland. Finally, I have them where I want them! It's an amazing feeling finally see them arrive. 

The recruitment chapter is an even bigger chapter than the 3 chapters combined. This is where the player can finally, yes, finally control the 3 main characters. Each with their own inventory and party to interact. I hope I can pull this off, switching between characters must have required a delicate balancing. The downside is that you have to grind 3 times for the portion of 3 parties. But I changed how players can get EXP so, it'll be a breeze I'm sure of that.  I'm also planning on changing the icons, but to do that I have to up my pixel art game. I'll do them gradually.

Thank you for reading this far! You are an amazing person and I hope you are happy in the life you are leading.


Tree of Kings v0.3.rar 453 MB
Jun 07, 2024

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